Annual Meeting– October 16, 2023 – 7:00 PM
Where: Virtual (40 minute limit on initial meeting)
Date: October 16, 2023
Time: 7:00 PM
Meeting Minutes
1. Call to Order & notice of 40 minute limit - Completed by Rod
2. Go over Minutes from 2022 Annual Meeting – Voted to skip, as Minutes are on Website.
3. Treasurer’s Report - Burt noted fiscal year (FY) end 2023 dues at 15K. Costs to date are $8400 with reserves at $6400. Those costs included a significant invoice from FY 2022 for common area maintenance.
4. 2023-2024 FY Budget - Burt noted not complete, but will include in the forthcoming E-newsletter.
5. Dues Increase – Burt noted the CCR’s allow an increase of 10% per year. Due to actual obligations with the City, the fence costs over time, and inflation, the board approved the 10% increase.
6. Firewise & Debris Removal Report - Grants Rod applied for & received totaled $3500 for calendar year 2023 – Rod noted we have 12.4 acres of common grounds, not 4. Most of the ‘heavy lifting’ of getting the common areas cleared out is done; it took 3 years.
7. Report on BP&R/park status (appraisal) and Jim Douglas lot to the east of our HOA – Rod noted Bend Park and Rec are interested in purchasing the East common area, but no appraisal or offer provided to date. Could be a potential relief from maintenance. HOA member asked what options the East properties will have for drain fields or sewer if property is sold. The Board agreed to wait until an offer was provided to cross that bridge.
8. New Homes Report - Rod noted we have two (2) new homes in the neighborhood: Garoutte and Peterson. Welcome to both homeowners, who were present for the meeting.
9. Retirement of Jake Woodruff from HOA Board.
10.Nominations of Officers from the Floor - Rod nominated Johanna Peterson, based on her previously stated interest to Rod. Board approved.
11.Vote on Officers – Board discussion suggested Rod (President), Burt (Treasurer), Mike (Secretary), Danny (IT/Tech), and Joanna (At Large Member). However, those positions will be affirmed at the first Board meeting.
12.Q & A from the Virtual Floor: Caryn Greef & a potential chain fence/gate blocking traffic from Brookswood through Fircrest Knoll. CG pointing out that there is traffic using the easement road between Murphy & PB. The Group discussed some chains with posts or on trees with signage closing off the road. Mike noted he’d reach out to Roats Water.
Pinebrook Homeowners Association
Proposed annual meeting minutes 2022
Time: 7:00-7:21 PM October 28, 2022
Location: Zoom
Voted to skip this part
Pinebrook Homeowners Association
Proposed annual meeting minutes 2021
Time: 7:00-7:40 PM October 19, 2021
Location: Zoom
1. Call to Order
2. Minutes From 2020 Annual Meeting Board voted to forego talking about last years minutes
3. Treasurer’s Report
No questions on Burt’s report
4. 2021-2022 Budget
5. Fire Fuel Removal
6. Weed Control
7. Possible Partitioning of Common Area
8. Dues Increase
9. Q & A from the Virtual Floor
10. Nominations of Officers From the Floor
11. Adjourn
Annual Meeting held publically, online, via Zoom.
9:15 AM - Call to order.
9:20 – All voted to accept last year’s minutes.
9:30 – Reviewed financials.
9:40 - Talked of last year's common area weed whacking.
It worked well doing the maintenance earlier in the summer.
The thought previously was if done too early, the weed whacking may need to be redone later in the summer.
The grass apparently has one single germanation and growing season.
We are now attempting to get the cheat grass knocked down before the seeds mature in order to slow or partially break the growth cycles.
9:55 - Finalized Neighborhood Watch sign purchase and placement.
Burt found several issues with posting signs in the Right of Way areas.
Burt has since been able to install the signs.
10:00 - Preliminary talks of selling the lot on Deer Valley Road.
Purpose being - the funds would be used for the fence replacement fund.
As this plan is being evaluated it was decided to, at least at this time,
not to raise dues this year to suplement the fence replacement fund.
10:15 - Frans Hager has retired from the board. THANK YOU, FRANS!
Burt Lauray has rejoined the board.
10:20 - Meeting adjourned.
6:10PM - Call to order
6:30 – All voted to accept last year’s minutes.
6:35 – Reviewed financials.
6:40 – Reviewed Common area maintenance issues. Need to review homeowners’ responsibilities and will follow up with mailing.
6:45 – Discussed long-term fence financing to cover state mandated maintenance of HOA capital assets.
6:52 – Discussed selling property at end of Deer Valley. Will require an HOA vote to approve sale. The hope is the sale will offset the funds to set aside for fence maintenance.
7:00 – Disbanded subcommittee formed 2017 of volunteers to generate a fire-free safety plan for the common areas. No actions resulted.
7:10 – Discussed strategies for weed whacking common areas. Due to the reasonable cost to perform weed whacking by our new vendor we will adopt the strategy of knocking down cheat grass early in the season before germination and probably at the end of summer. The hope is if it is caught before germination that a) future growth can be mitigated and b) possibly switching to a chemical treatment of a pre-emergent compound.
7:30 – Nomination of board officers. Rod Jacobson was added to board as member at large. Rest of the board members were retained. Vote was unanimous of attendees.
7:35 – Discussed having board inquire into having HOA accountants manage HOA.
7:38 – Adjourned.
To do:
Send out HOA financials.
Send out letter encouraging adjacent homeowners to help maintain common areas.
Investigate possibility of HOA dismantling. (Note: Preliminary finding show this would be a complicated process)
Contact group home owner requesting cigarette butt disposal bins be installed at home and request residents cease disposal on commons.
Since meeting:
Fence issues have been repaired. Looking for two missing caps.
Pinebrook Homeowners Association
Proposed annual meeting minutes 2018
Time: 9 to 10:30 AM October 13,2018
Location: New Hope Church, coffee corner.
1. Call to Order./ Please sign the meeting attendee list |e-mails appreciated.
2. Read/review Minutes From 2017 Annual Meeting.
3. Treasurer’s Report. [last statement: August 2018.] Sept/Oct. being prepared. Will be
on line. Can send out when e-mails comes in on request.
4. Old Business:
a) Announced current plan is to increase dues 6% per year for at least the next five
years. Implemented. – 10-13-18: All present agreed to the discussion
b) Can present the latest spreadsheet. 10-13-18: Presented with no comment
from HOA present members.
c) 2017 Floor vote for restarting flier for meeting announcements knowing that
additional costs will be incurred. Implemented -sporadically. 10-13-18:
Following group discussion no comments and Nick will continue with flyers.
d) Possible sale of a common at the end of Deer Valley being
investigated. Time line will be several years. 10-13-18: Following
group discussion HOA will continue with acquiring property sale
proposals and inform the HOA of outcomes.
e) Caryn Greef & Chuck & Marlene Brown volunteered to get a firefree safety
plan for common areas together. Subcommittee subsequently formed to also
include Christine & Roland Pasibe. Board did not follow up with committee; no
feedback from committee to board;. Still viable? 10-13-18: This item is
pending follow up.
f) Board member Frans Hager did not check with city regarding deterioration of
Pinebrook Blvd. Next board members to follow up.- Still concern. 10-13-18:
This item is pending follow up.
g) Actions taken last year; 4 commons violations followed up & resolved.
Commons clearing only partially completed due to conflict with contractor.
Recent follow up with new group has been fairly successful. Need inputs from
residents if more areas need follow up. Look at map & point out. 10-13-18:
These items are resolved.
5. Common areas ; please keep clean. We have found a more reliable/affordable option
for maintenance in 2019. Please report any issues to the board via the website, action
will be taken as soon as possible. Plan is to do it late in summer so only 1 pass will be
required. 10-13-18: Frans noted item resolved per hiring of new group at a
reasonable price.
6. Nomination of officers – presently the board is: Frans Hager; President \ Bill Brower;
Vice president\ Mike Rodgers; Secretary\ Danny McGuire; Treasurer. Member at
large; Nick Cerveny will no longer be on the board. Nominations &/or volunteers
from the floor are welcome. Voting will be conducted at the meeting. 10-13-18:
Frans noted Nick will be leaving the board. At this time the HOA approve no
new nominations at this time.
7. New Business:
a) Jake, off Hitching Post, noted that the City of Bend is
requiring new sidewalks in front of residences if tenant
improvements are filed for any permit within 600 lineal feet
of existing City sidewalks. Following group discussion two
members will follow up if any exclusion are possible to this
City of Bend requirement.
Board members present:
Frans Hager and William Brower
Count was taken at open. HOA members: 12 lots represented
Call to order.
Announced board member Tyra Voll needed to resign from board due to family moving.
Explained 2016 tax liability and tax liability from the 2016 financials.
Discussed options of funding the fence and sign replacement fund.
Discussed possibility of higher yield investments for money currently in reserve.
Discussed possible incentives to people who maintain their common areas to help mitigate common area maintenance costs.
Discussed possibility of dues increase for fund firefree common areas.
Discussed posting scans of revised common area maps online.
Tasked Bill with updating email lists. (Completed)
Tasked Bill with website hosting and domain billing. (Completed)
Floor vote for restarting flier for meeting announcements knowing that additional costs will be incurred. Vote was seconded - approved.
Announced current plan is to increase dues 6% per year for at least the next five years.
Caryn Greef volunteered to look into helping addressing old sewer project liens on some properties.
Discussed 30 year fence replacement options. Floor vote on preference (if it is an option) on the 30 year fence fund. Motion put forth from the floor of the preference of maintaining or replacing parts of the fence as necessary. Vote was seconded - approved.
Task to distribute next quarterly meeting fliers in January or February 2018. To be assigned.
Discussed current common encroachment issues. Letters have been sent and board is awaiting replies. Asked attendees to notify board as they see common area issues arise.
Need to arrange a consult to establish proper ways of implementing fines of HOA covenant violations.
Discussed possibly setting up a system to ensure new property owners know the HOA rules and regulations.
During next flier distribution include a reminder that until further notice there will be no HOA paid debris removal.
Caryn Greef and Chuck & Marlene Brown volunteered to get a firefree safety plan for common areas together. Subcommittee subsequently formed to also include Christine & Roland Pasibe.
Floor opened for election of board members. Frans Hager and William Brower nominated to resume board duties. Vote was seconded - approved. Danny McGuire, Nicholas Cerveny and Mike Rodgers volunteered to join board. Floor voted, seconded - approved. Duties to be assigned later.
Discussed pitch moth concerns for common areas and private properties.
Discussion will be addressed by fire - safety committee.
Bill tasked with contacting SW Bend HOA to see if they have anything regarding pitch moth issues. (Emailed Pam - they are not experiencing similar issues)
Frans tasked with checking into petitioning the city of Bend regarding deterioration of Pinebrook Blvd.
Nick looking into establishing a community Facebook page. (Completed at )
Meeting adjourned 8:05 PM.
Board members present:
Frans Hager, Tyra Voll, Nancy Lind, Bill Brower
Count was taken at open. 17 plots were initially represented and at least an additional 3 more joined shortly after the start.
Treasure’s Report was distributed and a line by line accounting was explained.
It was pointed out that yard debris removal at HOA expense was not intended to be a yearly event and since it is a considerable expense it will be addressed later on how often the debris removal will happen in the future.
Explained why road snow removal is an expense. Justification, this neighborhood and its side streets are a low priority and occasionally the HOA steps in and pays for snow removal.
Explained the high tax cost was a onetime event due HOA receiving a second ODOT pay out.
Explained the legal fees associated with encroachment issues on HOA land from some property owners.
Explained why dues increase was needed:
Common area maintenance costs are expected to increase because we do not know how much longer our current vendor will be available at his currently low rate of charge for services.
Looking into pre-germination spraying of common areas as an alternative. (Caryn).
Explained need for a ‘fence reserve’ as a state mandated reserve for long term care, maintenance and possible replacement of current HOA owned fence.
The board recently became aware of this requirement and will learn more regarding this requirement Tuesday December 6th.
Explained ‘no trespassing’ signs posted in the south side commons. Transients always being an on-again, off-again issue.
Explained necessity of keeping adjacent common areas clean and safe adjacent to homeowner’s properties.
Chuck and Caryn are looking into dead and dying tree issues for both the common areas and to help homeowner’s with their private trees.
Distributed the HOA website address and explained the hopes of it being a future point of communication to and from residents.
Discussed Knapweed and noxious plant eradication.
Caryn volunteered to look deeper into this.
Reviewed 2016 accomplishments: Tree Trimming, Gate Installed, Debris Removal
Nomination of officers. From the floor it was put forth to keep the current board members. From the floor there were no nominations of any other PBHOA residents.
Verbal vote positive for retaining current board and there were no verbal votes in decent of keeping current board members.
Meeting was adjourned at about 12:00 pm.
Board members present:
Burt Lauray, Bill Brower, Franz Hager, Tyra Voll
Start time: 9AM sharp
- Intro of attendees (both board and homeowners)
- Minutes from last meeting-‐ voted to review online posting instead of reading.
- What we accomplished this last year:
- Common property cleaned up through tree trimming and fire free debris program
- Reconstruction of some common property damaged on the north side of property. Very minimal damage was caused by storing materials for North fence installation. There will be and aprox. 5 ft path of a gravel product donated by Casey Roats to go West to East about ½ the distance of the north fence.
- Sidewalk, originally intended to go from the ending of the church sidewalk heading west to Hitching Post lane, however due to the fact that the homeowner who lives where the sidewalk ends would have to maintain all snow-‐removal the entire length, the board has put that option to rest.
- Fire Free Debris clean-‐up typically runs $5,000-‐$7,000 depending on the scale of the project.
- Presentation by: Ken Dietz -‐RE: SW Neighborhood Association. There are 13 neighborhood association districts. The SW neighborhood Assoc. extends from Powers Rd (North border) to River (East border), City limits (the South border), and 3rd st (East border). The group meets twice a year the 4th Thursday of April and October at Pine Ridge Elementary School at 7pm. No requirements to join the association. It is primarily funded by the city. It provides and opportunity to get info to the city council about issues that are occurring around the district. They provide trash clean-‐up, snow removal for seasonal shut-‐ins, bake sales & fundraisers. At the next meeting topics such as bus shelters, art roundabout, detour and speed signs. This association was chartered Dec. 5th, 2001 Questions contact: Mike Lovely,
- Concerns with the Pinebrook/Brookswood Right turn (possible dedicated right turn lane) contact Terry Pistole at O.D.O.T. , she was in charge of the Murphy project.
- Nancy Lind wants to join the board. Lives on Rough Rider
- Questions/Concerns-
‐ South Fence extension Aprox. 40ft at a diagonal, look into the cost and possibility to install more fencing. Near the Richardson and Santaguida property. Also on the South end of the neighborhood, but on the West end of Pinebrook, possible fence put up on common property.
- Vote to keep the same board members with the inclusion of Nancy Lind - Adjournment 9:38
October 11, 2014; New Hope Church on Pinebrook Blvd., Bend OR
I) Call to Order 9AM
II) Motion to skip reading of 2013 meeting minutes; a 2nd was made and all present voted YEA
III) Jackson Dunham presented the treasurer’s report. Net present value is ~$113k .
IIIa) Question about reason for such a high balance addressed by Burt Lauray and further discussion about expenditures;
IV) Murphy road project update. Informed the gathering of the status of phase 1 and explain phase 2 bids are going out this fall. Phase 1 is scheduled for completion at the end of 2014.
V) Sidewalk project discussed in more detail: Explained why the delay in construction; reviewed the probable loss of BendBroadBand cable related services for some short time in the future when BendBroadBand will move their main junction at the east end of the neighborhood. Costs expected to be ~$20k.
VI) Reviewed the need for homeowners to respect the common property. Do not dump refuse. Keep the commons clean of garbage. No structures or permanent recreational items to be kept on the commons. Question regarding the trimming of grass on the commons about cost & timing. Clarified that the commons grass trimming is performed at least once per summer, if possible at a time when the grass is at it’s highest to minimize having to perform a 2nd trim @ more cost. Rent- a- goat to trim the grass was discussed. Board will look at cost & practicality.
VII) Spring yard debris pickup will cost ~$6400, if we time it correctly @ the time of free dumping for FIRE FREE program at the Deschutes County Dump.
VIII) Items discussed from the attendees
1. Concerns about the amount of garbage being found on Pinebrook Blvd by many in attendance - all are cleaning up. Most likely from people passing from & to highway 97 & Brookswood-. Can we stop that; unlikely, any actions: not at this time.
2. Request to all homeowners to clean the front areas near you home. To be included in the meeting minutes to the homeowners.
3. Issues with homeless people at the south east end of the neighbor hood continue. Tyra recommends that all homeowners contact the police & explain clearly where the transients are causing issues and they will respond.
IX) Election of HOA Board members: Burt Lauray moved that the present board be reinstated. A 2nd came from the floor and all present voted YEA, no NAH votes heard. The current board has been reinstated. The Board presently is Burt Lauray- President; Frans Hager- Vice president; Jackson Dunham- Treasurer; Bill Brower & Tyra Voll board members at large.
X) Move to adjourn 2nd, approved. Meeting was adjourned at 9:56.
Pinebrook Homeowner's Association
1) Call to order - completed.
2) Read Minutes from 2012 Annual Meeting – waived after seconded vote.
3) Treasure’s Report – presented by JD. 4) Murphy Road Crossing Update – ODOT Speakers
a. Deer Valley paving completed. Minor detail work left. ODOT appreciated our patience and help. b. Phase One - Hwy 97 at PINEBROOK signal upgraded. Signal at Hwy 97 at 3rd St will be closed near the end of October 2013 after the intersection of PINEBROOK and 3rd St is upgraded. Main detour Hwy 97 NB to 3rd St will be Badger Rd, but PINEBROOK east of Hwy 97 will see increased traffic. PINEBROOK will be this configuration for approximately two years. Phase One includes Murphy Road realignment east of 3rd St, 3rd St and Murphy Road roundabout, Murphy Road bridge over Hwy 97, Hwy 97 NB off-ramp onto 3rd St, Hwy 97 SB on-ramp from 3rd St. c. Second Phase bids summer 2014, start that fall. This includes Murphy Road extension along south side of Pinebrook neighborhood and the BROOKSWOOD roundabout. Finish around end of 2016. d. There is a plan for an eventual frontage road parallel to Hwy 97. This is not funded and will be done depending on the area traffic demands in the future. Note for Phase One Romaine Village access to Hwy 97 will be cut off. Romaine Village will be using BROOKSWOOD and PINEBROOK to Hwy 97 access. e. ODOT Site: will open a new window) f. Murphy Road west of Hwy 97 is planned to be Xeriscape. It will be low to no maintenance or irrigation. >g. The sewer right-of-way for the Deer Valley connection I believe will be paved and the ends will be blocked in such a way to only allow bike and pedestrian traffic.
5) Common Areas Clean – Burt reiterated the need to keep common areas clean. 6) PINEBROOK HOA Improvement Projects presented. Included previous board member meeting ideas and opened floor to ideas. Stated two years to invest else be hit with high tax rate.
< id="page2" name="page2">a. Southside fencing presented. b. Walkway area. c. Sidewalks.
i. Presented that with sidewalks comes responsibility to keep them clear of snow. ii. According to ODOT plans a sidewalk will be built from Fircrest to BROOKSWOOD.
d. Sewer connects for additional Deer Valley residents. e. RV / Trailer Area. f. Keeping cash on hand at taxed rate for HOA reserves. g. Hire a general contractor for project(s). h. PINEBROOK sign refurbish or replace at east end. Possibly construct sign at west end. i. Fire Free funding. Was mentioned by Burt it would cost the neighborhood $5000 to have it done by current contractor.
7) PINEBROOK HOA Improvement suggestions from floor. (Note: No ideas were presented to HOA board via US Mail as described in the PINEBROOK HOA Annual Meeting flier.)
a. Private Park on east side property. [Floor] b. Check into Grant Writer for sidewalk funding. [Floor] c. Add a PINEBROOK sign at west end of street. [Floor]
8) Nomination of Officers from the Floor.
a. The following people were unanimously voted ‘aye’ from the floor, no opposed: Burt Lauray, Frans Hagar, Lindsey Clark, Tyra Voll, William Brower
9. Meeting adjourned. William Brower Cc: BL, FH, LC, TV
Annual meeting – 2009
Where: New Hope Church
When: Saturday, October 24, 2009
Time: 9:00am
Proposed Agenda
Call to Order
Minutes from Last Year’s Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Murphy Road Realignment
Update on Sewers
Fencing of Property
Keeping Common Property Clean
Other Items brought up from the floor
Annual Meeting Minutes – Oct. 25, 2008
Call to order – 10:07 AM; 17 were present. Frans Hager announced the names of the board members
Minutes from 2007 Annual Meeting - The reading was dispensed with
Treasurer’s Report - We have approximately $13,658.49
Murphy Crossing
Fencing on Common Property
Keeping Common Property Clean
Cell Phone Tower
Encroachment on common property
Other Topics
Let’s all be aware of our neighbors’ property for the safety for all.
Nomination of Officers
The existing slate of officers will remain the same
Meeting adjourned at 11:35 AM
Annual Meeting Minutes - 2006
October 14, and October 18, 2006
These are the combined minutes of both meetings.
October 14th meeting started at 10:00 am and the October 18th started at xxx
xx homeowners were present at both meeting.
Reading of the minutes from 2005 was dispensed with in each meeting.
Burt Lauray reported that Pinebrook HOA has $14,300.
Murphy Crossing
Sale of Common Property
Other topics covered
Keep our common property clean
Visual pollution – any rules?
Election of Officers
Respectively Submitted,
Burton A. Lauray, Secretary
Annual Meeting Minutes - 2005
October 5, and October 15, 2005
These are the combined minutes of both meetings.
October 5th meeting started at 7:05 pm and the October 15th started at 2:05 pm
43 homeowners were present at both meeting.
Reading of the minutes from 2004 was dispensed with in each meeting.
Treasurer’s report is not yet available but will be sent to homeowners with a copy of these minutes
Murphy Crossing
80 acres south of Pinebrook
Maps were displayed
Explained some of the proposed layout
Some Pinebrook common property appears to be taken by the development
The proposal allows our input
Pinebrook will have no direct access to parkway
Estimate of cost is $15,000 plus connection costs
The percent of acreage determines if the project goes ahead
Currently, there are 36 yes votes and 29 no votes
We can back out later when the exact cost is known
Engineers will look at all the options including using our common areas
Our first vote was tossed out – why, we don’t know completely
The city can rebid the sewer installation if the bids come in too high – Larkwood did that
The whole job is $1.3 million
Andy Lindsey will propose to the Council to form the LID in November
To use common areas will require paved access to manholes
They assume the entire trench will be rock
Sale of Common Property
The property was described on a map
The original reason common property was established was discussed
Some reasons to sell vs. not to sell were discussed
How the money would be used was discussed
Will not sell the small strips but only the four parcels
Other topics covered
Pinebrook has the authority to call police for vagrants on property east of us
Jerry Watson suggested that we get an updated letter of approval from James Douglas.
Keep our common property clean
Visual pollution – any rules?
Craftsmen are OK in our subdivision
Signs advertising a home business are not OK
Decided to establish a committee to investigate feasibility of changes to our CC&Rs for more authority to keep Pinebrook economically strong
Bert Milsnes and Joann Sieber volunteered
A homeowner suggested donating a strip of common property for a bike path to maintain
a buffer on the south side.
Finishing Pinebrook Blvd sidewalks
Speed signs are not effective
City only has $25,000 a year for these kind of improvements
A homeowner and Vice President Rolf Armstrong called Debra Hogan regarding additional improvements.
Pinebrook may be closed in about 5 years; the advent of Winco will trigger this closing.
Why do we have association dues:
Clearing fire hazards from common areas
Snow removal when the City responds slowly
Installed some sidewalks on Pinebrook Blvd.
Legal costs to protect our common areas
There are no homeless on our own property
Election of Officers
Jackson Dunham volunteered for the board
Respectively Submitted,
Burton A. Lauray, Secretary
Annual Meeting Minutes - 2004
October 27, 2004
Meeting started at 1:08 pm
31 homeowners were present
President, Frans Hager, dispensed with the reading of the minutes from 2003.
Andy Lindsey, City of Bend, was present to address the sewer LID process questions. The following information was addressed:
Sewer costs will be $10-$12,000,
Hook-up fee is additional $1,100,
On site work may be another $2,000,
There is no financial help,
Pinebrook can say “no” to sewers until the day construction begins,
More firm costs will be known after engineering is completed,
Homes within 100 feet of sewer must hook up,
Common areas may work for sewer but may not allow good access,
They will asphalt overlay after sewer work is done,
Monthly cost for operations is $24,
Work should be completed by summer 2005,
Financing the sewer to property line will be at 6.5% for 10 yrs with semiannual payments,
Sewer costs can be deferred for seniors making less than $34,000 per year,
Each property pays the same amount,
51% is not the number of property but is the land space,
Vacant lots could be subdivided after sewer is in,
Petitions for the LID will be mailed to homeowners.
Sue, John’s wife, wants to know the number of failed systems.
Mike Lovely, President of SW Neighborhood Assoc, offered to share his experience of their septic/sewer activities in Romaine Village.
Jerry Watson addressed keeping common areas clean and what kind of improvements are not and are allowed.
Homeowner addressed a neighbor’s pine needle mess that is a fire hazard.
A homeowner suggested we hire a common dumpster for owners’ yard debris.
Charlie Rice clears driveways if the city doesn’t clear them after they clear the streets.
Jerry explained the latest design of the east/west connector south of PHOA.
Had discussion about vagrants; we can only call the police if the vagrants are on our property or on the property directly east of the canal.
Jerry addressed sidewalks; some money came from a developer. He would like to see sidewalks continued to the church’s existing sidewalk.
A neighbor is seeking an attorney’s opinion regarding Larry Swenson’s unsightly property.
Election of officers. We had three volunteers:
Rolf Armstrong
Andy Stearns
Scott Young
The meeting ended at 2:46 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Burton A. Lauray, Secretary
Annual Meeting
October 11, 2003
Meeting commenced at 10:06 am. At New Hope Church.
Due to the absence of last year's minutes, the reading was dispensed with.
Common area discussion ensued:
Sewer system discussion
Andy Lindsay - Engineering Department for City of Bend
Described the procedure to hook up sewers in a defined area,
Cost of sewer hookup,
Use of common area for sewer lines is an option
Had a complaint of a loud party on Trailblazer in a rental. Decision was to wait and see if it is a trend. If it continues, several homeowners may approach the renters.
Had some discussion of proposed Murphy Road connection from Brookswood Blvd.
Limited discussion on lack of City of Bend follow through for building a divider on Pinebrook Blvd. The divider would have prevented dangerous U turns on the street. The church was against placing the divider, which caused enough delay so that $5,000 of state money was lost.
Activities of Board members were discussed and volunteers for the Board were requested.
Frans Hager of Fircrest Knoll volunteered.
Meeting adjourned at 11:15 am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Burton Lauray
Pinebrook Homeowners Association
October minutes 2001
Meeting began at 7:00 pm
Board members present: Jerry Watson, Mark Reed, Rick Slough, Paul Dilday.
Nadine Kenney has given up her position on the board for personal reasons.
Subject of the meeting is Speed and car volume on Pinebrook.
It was decided that: 1. ODOT will look at possible changes at Pinebrook and the Parkway (no left turns). 2. City will engineer changes to Pinebrook to slow traffic and reduce volume (speed bump, Raised cross walks, signage).
Submitted by Jerry Watson
October 19, 1999
Minutes of Pinebrook Homeowners Association annual meeting.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. By President Burt Lauray.
Parkway update information indicates that Pinebrook will be open, with a traffic light and will be a right-on/right-off intersection. There will not be a berm south of Pinebrook. East of Echo Hollow and Parkside will be landscaped with 60 9-foot trees and 400 various trees and shrubs. Planting to begin this month and will be guaranteed. Private property east of subdivision is zoned multi-family and we have no say in development unless the owner seeks a zone change. North of Pinebrook 40-50 seedling trees have been planted. Commons areas between homes have been planted with 300 seedlings. Trees were provided by a volunteer.
Traffic flow operates under city rules. The city requires, at an intersection, that vegetation be cleared between two feet and eight feet from ground level. Visibility must be clear within thirty feet of the intersection.
Noxious weed information was handed out and will be sent to all homeowners. Joanne Watson will check with the city for their responsibility regarding their right-of-way.
Patching has been done on Deer Valley and Hitching Post. Matt Verdieck will do a street inspection and contact Public Works to see if repairing can be put on the city schedule.
One-sixth acre (approximately) of commons area has been sold to the Parkway project for $6,500.00.
Speed bumps or undulators on Pinebrook were discussed. Traffic counts have been made. Steve Wilson at ODOT probably has the count. Out residents probably account for 5%-15% of the traffic.
Burt reported that expenses for 1999 were about $3600.00. Dues were questioned but the Board had determined to not lower or eliminate dues for the current year. Additional snow removal or plowing is paid by the hour. Plowers are responsible for damages.
New volunteer board members are Nadine Kenney and Carol Oatman. A motion was made by Howard Miller to accept the nominees. Motion seconded by Tom Neff. Motion carried. Other board members are Rich Slough, Mark Reed, and Jerry Watson.
Other interests from the floor:
Help for our elder neighbors this winter such as driveways.
An association directory.
A block-party this next summer.
Roats Water property is having some surveying done.
Night harassment, no new information.
A new subdivision is being built north of the nursery.
The meeting adjourned at 8:07 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Jerry Watson, Board Member
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